Reparar ADK 10 para Windows 10 1511
les comparto como podemos reparar nuestro ADK para Windows 10 v 1511, este bug lo ha publicado Microsoft en este link.
Keith’s Consulting Blog nos muestra el metodo para poder hacer la actualizacion, lo primero que haremos sera guardar el siguiente codigo en un bloc de notas y guardarlo en C: con el nombre de Repair-1511ADK.ps1
<# .SYNOPSIS Repair Windows 1511 ADK .DESCRIPTION Will install Microsoft KB3143760 fix against the Windows 10 1511 ADK (Build 10520) Required for .NOTES Copyright Keith Garner, All rights reserved. Permissive use license. .LINK .EXAMPLE .Repair-1511ADK.ps1 -verbose -ImagePath 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Assessment and Deployment KitWindows Preinstallation Environmentx86en-uswinpe.wim' Patch a single file. .EXAMPLE get-childitem 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Assessment and Deployment Kit*.wim' -recurse | % { .Repair-1511ADK.ps1 -verbose $_.FullName } Patch ALL WinPE files in the ADK #>
[string] $ImagePath
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$uri = ''
$tempfiles = @(
"$env:tempAclFile" )
remove-item -path $TempFiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-verbose "Verify ImagePath"
if ( -not ( test-path $ImagePath ) ) { throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "$ImagePath not found." }
$ImageItem = Get-WindowsImage -imagepath $ImagePath -index 1
$ImageItem | out-string | write-verbose
if ( $ImageItem | Where-Object Version -ne '10.0.10586.0' ) { throw "$ImagePath wim not Build 1511" }
write-verbose "Download Path File locally"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile "$"
write-verbose "extract Zip contents (Pass1)"
$Shell = new-object -com shell.application
$Shell.NameSpace("$").items() | foreach-object { $Shell.NameSpace( $env:temp ).CopyHere($_) }
if ( -not ( test-path "$env:tempWin10ADK-Hotfix-KB3143760.exe" ) ) { throw "Extract failure (Pass1)" }
write-verbose "extract Exe contents (Pass2)"
& $env:tempWin10ADK-Hotfix-KB3143760.exe /T:$env:temp /q | out-null
if ( -not ( test-path "$env:tempschema-x64.dat" ) ) { throw "Extract failure (Pass2)" }
write-verbose "Mount WinPE"
$PEMount = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$env:temp$([System.Guid]::NewGuid())" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -index 1 -path $PEMount |Write-Verbose
write-verbose "Save schema.dat state"
& icacls $PEMountWindowsSystem32schema.dat /save "$env:tempAclFile" | write-verbose
write-verbose "Update the Schema.dat file"
& takeown /F $PEMountWindowsSystem32schema.dat /A | write-verbose
& icacls $PEMountWindowsSystem32schema.dat /grant "BUILTINAdministrators:(F)" | write-verbose
write-verbose "Copy the DAT file"
if ( $ImageItem | where-object Architecture -eq 9 )
copy-item -path "$env:tempschema-x64.dat" -Destination $PEMountWindowsSystem32schema.dat
elseif ( $ImageItem | where-object Architecture -eq 0 )
copy-item -path "$env:tempschema-x86.dat" -Destination $PEMountWindowsSystem32schema.dat
write-warning "Architecture type not found for $ImagePath"
write-verbose "Reset permissions and ownership"
icacls $PEMountWindowsSystem32schema.dat /setowner "NT SERVICETrustedInstaller" | write-verbose
icacls $PEMountWindowsSystem32 /restore "$env:tempAclFile" | write-verbose
write-verbose "DisMount WinPE"
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $PEMount -Save | write-verbose
$PEMount = Remove-Item -Path $PEMount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-verbose "Clean"
remove-item -path $TempFiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
ahora ejecutamos con cuenta de administrador Powershell.
get-childitem ‘C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Assessment and Deployment Kit*.wim’ -recurse | c:.Repair-1511ADK.ps1 -verbose
sin mas por el momento un gran saludo a todos mis lectores, estamos con nuevos post.