Contadores de Rendimiento para RemoteFX en Windows Server 2012
Si en un post anterior se comentaban las GPOs que introducía Windows Server 2012 en referencia a RemoteFX, en esta ocasión presentaremos los nuevos contadores de rendimiento relacionados con esta funcionalidad. Divididos en dos categorías, RemoteFX Graphics y Remote Network, suman un total de 30 contadores que ayudarán a los administradores -a través de la herramienta perfmon- a extraer información de rendimiento sobre la experiencia de usuario en entornos de Sesiones de Escritorio así como de Escritorio Virtuales que hagan uso de RemoteFX.
A continuación se detallan los nuevos contadores disponibles.
RemoteFX Graphics
- Average Encoding Time: Average frame encoding time
- Frame Quality: Quality of the output frame expressed as a percentage of the quality of the source frame
- Frames Skipped/second – Insufficient Client Resources: Number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient client resources
- Frames Skipped/second – Insufficient Network Resources: Number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient network resources
- Frames Skipped/second – Insufficient Server Resources: Number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient server resources
- Grphics Compression Ratio: Ratio of the number of bytes encoded to the number of bytes input
- Input Frames/second: Number of sources frames provided as input to RemoteFX graphics per second
- Output Frames/second: Number of frames sent to the client per second
- Source Frames/second: Number of frames composed by the source (DWM) per second
RemoteFX Network
- Base TCP RTT: Base TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
- Base UDP RTT: Base UDP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
- Current TCP Bandwidth: TCP Bandwidth detected in bits per second (bps)
- Current TCP RTT: Average TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
- Current UDP Bandwidth: TCP Bandwidth detected in bits per second (bps)
- Current UDP RTT: Average TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
- FEC Rate: Forward Error Correction (FEC) percentage
- Loss Rate: Loss percentage
- Retransmission Rate: Percentage of packets that have been retransmitted
- Set Rate P0: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 0
- Set Rate P1: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 1
- Set Rate P2: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 2
- Set Rate P3: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 3
- TCP Received Rate: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received over TCP
- TCP Send Rate: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent over TCP
- Total Received Rate: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received
- Total Send Rate: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent
- UDP Packets/Received/sec: Rate in packets per second at which packets are received over UDP
- UDP Packets/Send/sec: Rate in packets per second at which packets are sent over UDP
- UDP received Rate: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received over UDP
- UDP Send Rate: Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent over UDP
Ya en Windows Server 2008 existían otros grupos de contadores (RemoteFX Root GPU Management, RemoteFX Software y RemoteFX vGPU Management) si la funcionalidad de RemoteFX era activada en el servidor así como otro grupo de contadores (RemoteFX VM vGPU Performance ) para el Escritorio Virtual que hacia uso de RemoteFX.