Windows 10 for Business Onboarding Kit
Gracias Microsoft por ofrecernos sin duda material relacionado con todo lo referente a Windows 10, en esta ocasión podremos bajar 3 recursos indispensables a la hora de adoptar Windows 10 en nuestra organización.
- Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager, by Andre Della Monica, Alessandro Cesarini, Russ Rimmerman, and Victor Silveira. This authoritative reference book explains how to deploy Windows 10 through a number of both attended and unattended automated methods.
- Windows 10 Readiness Tools: Use this handy bundle of resources to distribute to employees during your Windows 10 deployment to help them get up and running. This kit will help your employees make a smooth and successful transition to Windows 10, so your organization can start enjoying the benefits of Windows 10 right away.
- The Modern Workplace Watchdog eBook: It’s time stop sacrificing flexibility and efficiency in the name of security. Learn how to protect the information, systems, and people vital to your business with Windows 10, the most secure Windows ever.
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